Welcome Back, YaleLA

We’re delighted to announce that, as California gradually reopens and resumes in-person activities, YaleLA is coming back to life too. YaleLA is excited to see all your faces in person again, as are all your Yale friends and classmates in the area. Your fellow Yalies are already beginning to organize smaller in-person events, and we expect to have a larger gathering in in the coming months to welcome you back to the new and improved YaleLA.

In the meantime, we have been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a new and improved YaleLA — including new leadership, new ideas and new tools like this new website. Stay tuned.

If you’re interested in taking on a leadership role, planning an event, or contributing in some other way, please contact us. We always love hearing from you.

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Harvard-Yale Game 2021: LA Alumni Party


Pics, please!