Gone are the days of membership dues. Everyone who appears in Yale University’s records with a current residential address within YaleLA’s geographic region, and who is one of the following, is now automatically a member of YaleLA:
a Yale alumnus or alumna, as defined by the constitution of the Yale Alumni Association;
a current Yale student;
the parent, spouse or widow/widower of a Yale alum or Yale student;
a current or former member of the Yale faculty; or
the recipient of an honorary degree from Yale.
From time to time, the Board of Directors may also elect to confer honorary membership in the Yale Club of Los Angeles.
Voluntary donations from members and non-members alike are welcomed and much appreciated. More information is available on our donations page. If you would like to make a multi-year pledge, donate in kind, or remember YaleLA in your will, or if for any reason you are unable to make through this website the contribution you would like to make, please contact us at YaleLA@aya.yale.edu.
If you would like to donate your time and serve on the Board, plan events, recruit new members, etc.… we’d love to hear from you. We have a lot of fun making the club run, and we always love getting the perspectives of new members to keep things interesting and fresh.